It's not fair! How many times have I thought many times have you? I can still hear my Dad's voice in patient reply to my childish whinging, 'I never told you life would be fair!'
Sometimes I still feel a little 'put upon' when doing a chore I don't enjoy, or when I've tidied the sitting room three times in one hour only to find it in disarray AGAIN! I think,'Why are the menial tasks always my job!' Mowing the lawn puts me in THAT mood.
It seemed like every garden task put me in that mood yesterday, then I realised how lovely the garden was beginning to look. I watched the birds at the feeders while I had a cup of tea and my mood began to soften.
No, life isn't fair. I have been so blessed. I have a wonderful husband, family and friends that I love, a cosy home, a mad little cat and my health. It's not fair for me to have so much.... I am grateful. I still don't like mowing grass!
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