Monday 30 April 2012

Just getting started....

I am indulging in a second blog.  I already have one called, Deb's Dust Bunny
which I started for my nieces living in the United States. I wanted to show them some of the historic and beautiful places we enjoy living in Devon. There are recipes, videos and links to lots of interesting things.  It is a gentle, friendly site... I hope. I enjoy writing it but I find I must censor myself.  I want to keep it light and happy.  There are things I'd like to say but my readership might be a bit too young or too polite to appreciate my sardonic sense of humour, hence, the Absent Auntie has been conceived.

Don't worry, this isn't going to be pornographic or overly radical.  That's not my style.  But get ready for some more grown-up topics and an occasional 'Auntie Rant'.   The content is going to be a bit more random, organic...

 who knows what you will find here.  So here we go.... let's get started!

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